Welcome to the GE family. We’re
Best of all, you’ll experience
proud of our quality products and
these values each time you do
we believe in dependable sefice.
the laundq. That’s important,
You’ll see it in this easy-to-use
because your new d~er will be
manual and you’ll hear it in the
part of your family for a long time.
friendly voices of our customer
setice department.
Staple your receipt to the inside back
Write down the model and serial
cover of this manual.
numbers here. They are on the label
on the front of the dryer behind
Find your mode/. Put a check mark
the door.
in the box identi@ing your model
in the section titled, “Operating
Instructions.” This will protide
easy access for your operating
Model number
Serial number
Date ofpurchase
Before you call for semice,
there are a few things you can
do to help us serve you better.
Read this manual. It contains
instructions to help you use and
maintain your d~er properly,
Save time and money Check the
section tided “If Something Goes
Wrong” before calling. This sec-
tion was designed to solve common
problems you might encounter.
If you do need service, you can
relax knowing help is only a phone
call away.A listof toll-free customer
setice numbers is included on the
inside back cover. Or call the GE
Answer Center@ at 800.626.2000,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Para obtener la version en
espafiol de este manual, name a
GE Answer Center”, servicio de
informaci6n para el consumidor,
tel~fono 800.626.2000.