Operating Instructions
Cycle Selection, continued
Use the deep clean sanitize cycle to clean and
sanitize heavily soiled, colorfast fabrics including
towels, bedding, and children’s clothing.
It is recommended that you set your water heater
to 120° F (49° C) or higher to ensure proper per-
formance during this cycle. If the setting is lower
or the load is extra large, the cycle time will be
extended by 30 minutes or more.
The deep clean sanitize cycle will kill 99.9% of
bacteria with no carryover of bacteria between
loads. No bleach or harsh chemicals are needed,
but higher temperatures are required. Please
check fabric care labels to prevent damage.
NSF Protocol P172
Sanitization Performance of Residential
and Commercial, Family-Sized Clothes
This cycle has been certifi ed by NSF International,
an independent third party testing and certifi cation
organization dedicated to public health, safety and
environmental protection.
This cycle has been certifi ed by NSF International,
an independent third party testing and certifi cation
organization dedicated to public health, safety and
environmental protection.
To perform a spin only cycle, you may deselect
fresh rinse from rinse & spin.
If the voltage at your outlet is under 110 v, the
internal heater may not adequately heat the wash
water. If the cycle is interrupted while the water is
heating, the fi nal temperature of the wash water
may be lower and sanitation may be reduced.
As a precaution, the washer door is locked once
the water temperature reaches 130° F (55° C). If
the cycle is cancelled during the wash phase and
the water temperature is greater than 150° F (66°
C), an automatic cool down and drain will occur
before the door can be opened.
The wash water is heated by an internal boost
heater to a maximum of 152° F (67° C) as the load
tumbles. Cold water is added to cool down the
load prior to drain and spin.
Use this cycle for cottons and blends with a per-
manent press or no-iron fi nish.
Use this cycle for lightly soiled, dark, or highly
dyed fabrics such as cotton which may be suscep-
tible to dye loss.
Use this cycle for lightly soiled knits and delicates
which require gentle washing.
If you have asthma or allergy sufferers in your
home, use this cycle to combine hot water tem-
perature (boosted with internal heater), fast speed
tumbling and multiple rinses to help ensure the de-
struction of dust mites and removal of pet dander.
NSF Protolcol P351
Allergen Reduction Performance
of Residential and Commercial,
Family-Sized Clothes Washers
The allergen cycle will kill all dust mites and
eliminate at least 95% of pet dander. Since higher
temperatures are required, please check fabric
care labels to prevent damage.
Select rinse & spin for loads that need a cold
water rinse or to add fabric softener that may have
been omitted in a regular cycle. Add the fabric
softener to the dispenser chamber. Select the spin
speed appropriate for the load.