1 Important safety instructions
This section contains safety instructions that will help protect
from risk of personal injury or property damage. Failure to
follow these instructions shall void any warranty.
General safety
• 8yearsandolderchildrenandpeoplewithreduced
physical, sensory, and mental abilities as well as
unskilled or inexperienced persons can use this
appliance provided that they are supervised and
instructed on safe use of the appliance as well as to the
related dangers. Children should not play or tamper with
the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance should
never be performed by children unless supervised by a
responsible adult.
• Neverplacetheproductonacarpet-coveredfloor;
otherwise, lack of airflow beneath the machine will
cause electrical parts to overheat. This will cause
problems with your product.
• Donotoperatetheproductifthepowercable/plugis
damaged. Call the Authorized Service Agent.
• Haveaqualifiedelectricianconnecta16-Amperefuse
to the installation location of the product.
• Iftheproducthasafailure,itshouldnotbeoperated
unless it is repaired by the Authorized Service Agent.
There is the risk of electric shock!
• Thisproductisdesignedtoresumeoperatinginthe
wish to cancel the programme, see "Cancelling the
programme" section.
• Connecttheproducttoagroundedoutletprotected
by a fuse complying with the values in the "Technical
Our company shall not be liable for any damages that
will arise when the product is used without grounding in
accordance with the local regulations.
• Thewatersupplyanddraininghosesmustbesecurely
fastened and remain undamaged. Otherwise, there is
the risk of water leakage.
• Neveropentheloadingdoororremovethefilterwhile
there is still water in the drum. Otherwise, risk of
flooding and injury from hot water will occur.
• Donotforceopenthelockedloadingdoor.Theloading
door will be ready to open just a few minutes after the
loading door to open, the door and the lock mechanism
may get damaged.
• Unplugtheproductwhennotinuse.
• Neverwashtheproductbyspreadingorpouringwater
onto it! There is the risk of electric shock!
• Nevertouchtheplugwithwethands!Neverunplugby
pulling on the cable, always pull out by grabbing the
• Usedetergents,softenersandsupplementssuitablefor
automatic washing machines only.
• Followtheinstructionsonthetextiletagsandonthe
detergent package.
• Theproductmustbeunpluggedduringinstallation,
maintenance, cleaning and repairing procedures.
• Alwayshavetheinstallationandrepairingprocedures
carried out by the Authorized Service Agent.
Manufacturer shall not be held liable for damages that
may arise from procedures carried out by unauthorized
Intended use
• Thisproducthasbeendesignedfordomesticuse.Itis
not suitable for commercial use and it must not be used
out of its intended use.
• Theproductmustonlybeusedforwashingandrinsing
of laundry that are marked accordingly.
• Themanufacturerwaivesanyresponsibilityarisenfrom
incorrect usage or transportation.
Children's safety
• Electricalproductsaredangerousforthechildren.Keep
prevent children from intervening with the product.
• Donotforgettoclosetheloadingdoorwhenleavingthe
room where the product is located.
• Storealldetergentsandadditivesinasafeplaceaway
from the reach of the children.
2 Installation
Refer to the nearest Authorised Service Agent for installation
of the product. To make the product ready for use, review
the information in the user manual and make sure that the
electricity, tap water supply and water drainage systems are
necessary arrangements carried out.
Preparation of the location and electrical, tap water and
waste water installations at the place of installation is
under customer's responsibility.
must be carried out by the Authorized Service Agent.
Manufacturer shall not be held liable for damages that
may arise from procedures carried out by unauthorized
Prior to installation, visually check if the product has any
products cause risks for your safety.
Make sure that the water inlet and discharge hoses
as well as the power cable are not folded, pinched or
crushed while pushing the product into its place after
installation or cleaning procedures.
Appropriate installation location
• Placethemachineonarigidfloor.Donotplaceitona
long pile rug or similar surfaces.
• Totalweightofthewashingmachineandthedryer-with
on a solid and flat floor that has sufficient load carrying
• Donotplacetheproductonthepowercable.
• Donotinstalltheproductatplaceswheretemperature
• Placetheproductatleast1cmawayfromtheedgesof
other furniture.