24 / EN
Washng Machne / User’s Manual
Problem Reason Soluton
Program does not start after
closing the door.
Start / Pause / Cancel button was not pressed. *Press the Start / Pause / Cancel button.
Programme cannot be started or
Washing machine has switched to self protection
mode due to a supply problem (line voltage, water
pressure, etc.).
Press and hold On / Off button for 3 seconds.
(see. "Cancellaton of program")
Water in the machine.
Some water might have remained in the product
due to the quality control processes in the
Ths s not a falure; water s not harmful to
the machne.
Machine does not fill with water.
Tap is turned off. Turn on the taps.
Water inlet hose is bent. Flatten the hose.
Water inlet filter is clogged. Clean the flter.
Loading door may be open.
Close the door.
Machine does not drain water.
Water drain hose might be clogged or twisted. Clean or flatten the hose.
Pump filter is clogged. Clean the pump flter.
Machine vibrates or makes noise.
Machine might be standing unbalanced. Adjust the feet to level the machne.
A hard substance might have entered into the
pump filter.
Clean the pump flter.
Transportation safety bolts are not removed. Remove the transportaton safety bolts.
Laundry quantity in the machine might be too
Add more laundry to the machne.
Machine might be overloaded with laundry. Take out some of the laundry from the
machne or dstrbute the load by hand to
balance t homogenously n the machne.
Machine might be leaning on a rigid item. Make sure that the machne s not leanng
on anythng.
There is water leaking from the
bottom of the washing machine.
Water drain hose might be clogged or twisted. Clean or flatten the hose.
Pump filter is clogged. Clean the pump flter.
Machine stopped shortly after
the programme started.
Machine might have stopped temporarily due to
low voltage.
It wll resume runnng when the voltage
restores to the normal level.
Machine directly discharges the
water it takes in.
Draining hose might not be at adequate height. Connect the water dranng hose as
descrbed n the operaton manual.
No water can be seen in the
machine during washing.
The water level is not visible from outside of the
washing machine.
Ths s not a falure.
Loading door cannot be opened.
Door lock is activated because of the water level
in the machine.
Dran the water by runnng the Pump or Spn
Machine is heating up the water or it is at the
spinning cycle.
Wat untl the programme completes.
Child lock is engaged. Door lock will be deactivated
a couple of minutes after the programme has
come to an end.
Wat for a couple of mnutes for deactvaton
of the door lock.
Washing takes longer time than
specified in the manual.(*)
Water pressure is low. Machne wats untl takng n adequate
amount of water to prevent poor washng
qualty due to the decreased amount of
water. Therefore, the washng tme extends.
Voltage might be low. Washng tme s prolonged to avod poor
washng results when the supply voltage
s low.
Input temperature of water might be low. Requred tme to heat up the water extends
n cold seasons. Also, washng tme can be
lengthened to avod poor washng results.
Number of rinses and/or amount of rinse water
might have increased.
Machne ncreases the amount of rnse water
when good rnsng s needed and adds an
extra rnsng step f necessary.
Excessive foam might have occurred and
automatic foam absorption system might have
been activated due to too much detergent usage.
Use recommended amount of detergent.