Note: Before placing your first call, make sure that the phone cord is
secure in the PHONE port, the READY light (located in the VoIP area
of the X6v's front panel) is green, and that you hear a dial tone when
you pick up the handset. (You might need to wait for up to one minute
while the VoIP system resets itself).
To call another Global Village user, enter the person's seven-digit
Global Village phone number. These calls are always free, regardless of
the distance or country you are calling.
The Global Village phone number is not the same as a traditional
landline number. You can access a VoIP phone number directory for
Global Village users at the Global Village Web site.
To make free calls to users of other VoIP services all over the world,
first dial **, then a three-digit Internet area code followed by the VoIP
number. Go to www.globalvillage.com for a list of cooperating VoIP
services and their Internet area codes.
To call a traditional landline phone number, simply pick up the
telephone that's connected to the Global Village network via the PHONE
port on the X6v and dial any number around the globe. For example, in
the U.S., dial 1 plus the area code and seven-digit number. In the U.K.,
include the city code, as you would when dialing from a mobile phone.
To dial international numbers, dial the international code (011 in the U.S.,
00 in most other countries) plus the country code and phone number. For
rates, visit the Global Village Web site.
To answer an incoming VoIP call, simply pick up the phone. When you
register for the Global Village service, you receive a free Internet
Protocol (IP) phone number that people use when calling you over the
To receive calls from regular telephones, you can either connect a
landline to the X6v or sign up for a phone number through Global Village.
Managing Your Global Village Account on page 14 for details.