Feed Button Modes
Power Off Mode (Communications Diagnostics Mode)
With the printer power off, press and hold the feed button while you turn on the power. The printer
printsout a listing of itscurrent configuration. After printingthe label, the printerwill automatically enter
a diagnostic mode in which the printer prints out a literal representation of all data subsequently
received. To exit the diagnostic mode and resume printing, turn off and then turn on the printer.
Power On Modes
Withthe printerpower on andtop cover closed,press and holdthe feedbutton for severalseconds. The
green status LED will flash a number of times in sequence. The explanation at the right (Action) shows
what happens when you release the key after the specific number of flashes.
A configuration label prints.
The media sensor calibrates and a media sensor profile prints (see “Manual
Calibration” on page 40).
To reset the communication parameters. Press and release the feed button while
the LED rapidly flashes amber and green.
For autobaud synchronization: Send a ZPL II format to the printer while the LED
rapidly flashes amber and green. When the printer and host are synchronized, the
LED changes to solid green. NOTE: No labels will print during autobaud
Resets the factory defaults, auto calibrates, and saves settings into memory.
The print width calibrates. While the status LED alternately flashes green and
amber, a series of stacking rectangles print on the label. When the rectangle prints
to the outer edges of the label, press and release the feed button. The label width
and current communication parameters will be saved into memory.
The print darkness calibrates. A series of nine samples print, starting with the
lightest and ending with the darkest image. When the desired print darkness is
achieved, press and release the feed button. The print darkness will be saved into
If the feed button remains pressed after a 7-flash sequence, the printer will ignore the
button when it is released.
980441-001 Rev. A 43