Initial Printer Test
To insure proper sensing of the media and ribbon, perform a Media Calibration. This
procedure establishes the media parameters for the printer. If loading the printer with
media and ribbon for the first time, or changing the type of media, perform the Media
Calibration on page 14.
Configuration and Calibration
Option Switches
(Only for Serial-Interface
A printer with a parallel interface does
not require these configuration parameters and
therefore has no switches.
A printer with the RS-232 serial interface has
eight miniature switches, which are located
inside the rear access opening above the Signal
Interface Cable Connector.
You need to position these switches to match
the settings of your host computer in order to
establish communications between the two
devices. If you do not know how to determine
the settings on your host computer, refer to the
directions in the instruction manual provided
with the computer.
If these switches are in the proper position to
match the communication configuration of the
host computer, and the printer is not receiving
data, see the Appendix to make sure you are
using the correct interface cable.
Figure 10 Option Switches
Option Switch Settings
An “R” means the switch is OFF (positioned
to the right), while an “L” means the switch
is ON (positioned to the left). Zebra sets all
switches to OFF when the printer is
3 2 1
Baud Rate
R R R 9600 Baud
R R L 19200 Baud
R L R 110 Baud
R L L 300 Baud
L R R 600 Baud
L R L 1200 Baud
L L R 2400 Baud
L L L 4800 Baud
Data Bits
(Must be set to 8 data bits for
Code Page 850.)
R 7 Data bits
L 8 Data bits
6 5
R R Even parity
R L Parity disabled
L R Odd parity
L L Parity disabled
Communication Handshake
R XON/XOFF control
L DTR/DSR control
Getting Started