Program Mode Commands
11/24/09 APL-I Reference Guide 14177L-003
QR Code
Purpose To specify a QR Code bar code field.
Supported Based on testing, this command works the same on the Zebra printer with
APL-I firmware as on the 3400D printer.
Notes The c18 command has three arguments.
You can only produce QR symbols up to 3550 characters.
The names, purposes, and default values of these parameters are listed here:
Argument Purpose Default/Possible Values
m1 Enhanced error correction 200 2/1,2 for Model 1,2 resp.
m2 Square mode M/L,M,Q,H for 7,15,25,30% error
correction, resp.
m3 Mask number 8/0-7 for mask type, 8 for auto-
selection of mask