2 - 44
Õ Point the tip of the band to the
inner side.
Ö Routing position of each hose
except the AI system hose is
not regulated in the clamp.
× Pass all the hoses under the
injector sub lead and wire har-
Ø Neutral switch lead:
Fasten the EXUP servo motor
lead and rear brake switch lead
with the clamp inserted to the
Ù Clamp the lead making slack
so that the harness routes to
the coupler from the downside
of the EXUP serve motor.
Ú Pay attention to the inserting
direction of the relay.
Û Fasten the EXUP servo motor
lead with the clamp inserted to
the frame.
Ü Fasten the wire harness with
the clamp inserted to the hole
of battery box. Point the tip of
clamp upward. Cut the tip
according to the illustration.
Ý Fasten the EXUP servo motor
lead with the clamp inserted to
the frame.
Þ Clamp the oil level gauge and
sidestand switch lead.
ß AI system hose
(Route by the most inner side.)
À Position the clamp between the
clamp of oil level switch lead
and the radiator coolant hose.
The direction of clamp is not
Á Route the hoses of fuel tank
drain and breather underneath
the wire harness, injector sub
lead, AI system lead and AC
magneto lead.