M7CL Quick Start Guide Part 3
Other memorized data.
Some things are memorized by the console but not included in the ALL DATA file. And some things are not memorized
by the console at all.
Memorized at power down on the console but not
in ALL DATA file
- Passwords
- Screen page
- Brightness controls
- Network settings
- Clock
(time/date etc)
Not stored anywhere!
- Screen page pop-up
(but can be bookmarked)
- Talkback on
- Talkback dimmer on
- Cue on
- Osc on
(always off at power up)
- Monitor dimmer on
- Console lock
- Monitor, talkback and headphone pots
shouldn’t move in transit!)
Management of M7CL console files.
In the SAVE / LOAD pop-up, you can COPY, PASTE and DELETE items on your USB storage device, regardless of
what kind of file they are. However, only certain kinds of file can be loaded into M7CL. Only ALL DATA and USER
KEY files can be created on M7CL but Studio Manager M7CL Editor can save “scene-only” data. There are also
firmware files and help menu files to recognize. See the guide below.
How files appear in M7CL.
M7CL files.
This is an ALL DATA console set-up file that
includes all the information listed in the text box on page
9. All.M7C files can be created on either the console or the
M7CL Editor and these files can be used for transferring
data between consoles and editors.
User Key.M7U:
This is the user authentication key that
carries the user preference and access information listed on
page 9. The user access privileges may be created, viewed
and edited on the console or the editor, but only the console
can view and edit the preferences and user defined keys.
This is a file of “scene-only” data created within
the Studio Manager. It does not include other non-scene
recallable data like user defined keys or EQ etc libraries.
Firmware.PGM files:
There are two different .PGM files
that make up the console firmware but these will self load
at switch on. (With a confirm dialog pop-up) They cannot
be loaded from the SAVE / LOAD pop-up.
There are several different language help
files available and these must be loaded from the SAVE /
LOAD pop-up.
This is a Yamaha Studio Editor session file created
and stored in the Editor software and it will not open in the
console, only the editor.
Sessions saved on newer versions of Studio
Manager appear as “New” on old console firmware. Update
your firmware to access them.
How files appear in MS Windows.
Note; There are two types of .M7C files; ALL and LIB. An ALL DATA or USER KEY file created on Studio Manager
will have the default settings for user defined keys until saved on a console with edited UDKs.