User settings
V1.7 Supplementary Manual
6 SELECT ALL button
Press this button to select all items.
7 CLEAR ALL button
Press this button to clear all selections.
5. Press the tabs and buttons of the TYPE field to select the type of data that you want
to save.
The content shown in the TYPE field will vary depending on the tab you select.
• ALL tab
All items will be the target of the operation.
•SCENE tab
Scene memories will be the target of the operation.
The following table lists the items that you can select.
The following table lists the items that you can select.
The following table lists the items that you can select.
• SETUP tab
The following table lists the items that you can select.
• If you save output port items individually, the settings for the channel assigned to the port will not
be saved. You will also need to save the scene that includes the input/output patching for those
channel settings.
• Items that are included in the ADMIN tab when loading items individually will be included in ALL
when saving.
6. In the SOURCE field, add a check mark ( ) to select the data that you want to
If you want to save multiple items of data in a single operation, press the MULTI SELECT button.
7. In the DESTINATION field, add a check mark ( ) to the save-destination.
8. Press the SAVE button to access the FILE SAVE popup window.
9. Enter a file name or comment, and press the SAVE button.
Buttons Data content
IN CH LIB Input channel library
OUT CH LIB Output channel library
IN EQ LIB Input EQ library
OUT EQ LIB Output EQ library
DYNA LIB Dynamics library
Buttons Data content
EFFECT LIB Effect library
GEQ LIB GEQ library
Buttons Data content
5033 LIB Portico 5033 library
5043 LIB Portico 5043 library
U76 LIB U76 library
Opt-2A LIB Opt-2A library
EQ-1A LIB EQ-1A library
DynaEQ LIB DynamicEQ library
Buttons Data content
MIXER SETUP Mixer setup
OUTPUT PORT Output ports
MIDI PGM MIDI program changes
MIDI CTL MIDI control changes
Dante In Patch DANTE input patch library