*: EIA RS-426
Specifications and descriptions in this owner’s manual are for information purposes only. Yamaha Corp. reserves the right to change or modify products or
specifications at any time without prior notice. Since specifications, equipment or options may not be the same in every locale, please check with your
Yamaha dealer.
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Model BR10 BR12 BR12M BR15 BR15M
Enclosure Bass reflex type
Speaker Unit
LF 10" cone 12" cone 15" cone
HF 1" VC, Titanium
Frequency Response 65Hz-20kHz 60Hz-20kHz
Power Capacity
NOISE* 125W 150W 200W
PGM 250W 300W 400W
MAX 500W 600W 800W
Nominal Impedance 8
96dB SPL
(1W, 1m)
97dB SPL (1W, 1m) 98dB SPL (1W, 1m)
Input Connectors 1/4" phone jack x 2
Dimensions (WxHxD)
394mm x 537mm
x 326mm
403mm x 569mm
x 335mm
569mm x 407mm
x 334mm
485mm x 656mm
x 365mm
652mm x 487mm
x 365mm
Weight 14.4kg 16kg 15.6kg 21.3kg 20.9kg