Compressor Mode
The Compressor Mode provides settings for the Compressor, Noise Gate,
and Blend Level for the effect loop.
To enter the Compressor Mode, press and hold the [FUNCTION] switch
until the knob functions are displayed in the upper row of the panel dis-
play above the knobs (the row above that used by the Equalizer Mode).
● How Knobs Function in the Compressor
q INPUT LEVEL: Sets the Input Level
w SOUND TYPE: No function.
e COMP (RATIO): Compression ratio (1.0 - ∞, 16 steps) *operates the same
as COMP in the Amp Mode.
r GAIN (THRSLD): Compressor threshold level (-54dB to 0dB, 1dB step)
Sets the signal level from which the compressor will activate. Compres-
sion is applied to signals that exceed this level.
t MASTER (ATTACK): Compressor attack time (0msec to 120msec, 1msec
Sets the amount of time required for application of the compressor from
the time the signal exceeds the threshold. When a slow attack time is set,
the beginning of the attack will not be compressed.
y BASS (RELEASE): Compressor release time (5msec to 42.3 sec, 160
Sets the amount of time required for the compressor to switch off after the
signal goes below the threshold level. This smoothes gain changes to
keep the sound natural.
u LOW MID (C. GAIN): Compressor gain (0dB to 18dB, 0.1dB step)
This parameter works in conjunction with the compressor ratio setting
which is set with the e COMP (RATIO) control knob. In other words, gain
is automatically adjusted along with amount of compression applied to
the signal. If the Ratio = “1.0”, Gain = “0”. If the Ratio = “∞”, Gain = the
setting determined with the control knob.
i MIDDLE (KNEE): Compressor knee (Hd (Hard), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Sets the depth of signal compression after the input signal exceeds the
threshold level. When set to Hd (hard), compression starts soon with the
ratio you have set. However, when set to 1-5, compression startup is
gradual, creating a more natural sound (soft knee compression).
o HIGH MID (N. GATE): Noise gate threshold level (OFF, -53dB to 0dB,
1dB step)
When the input signal’s level falls below this set level, the noise gate acti-
vates cutting off the signal.
!0 TREBLE (BLEND): Blend level between the effect loop’s RETURN signal
and the dry signal (the sound created in the BBT500) (0% (Return 0%,
Dry 100%) to 100% (Return 100%, Dry 0%)).
!1 OUTPUT: Sets the output level
The knob’s value is shown on the
display when the knob is turned.
The function of each knob is
displayed here.
q w e r t y u i o !0 !1
The knob’s value is shown on the
display when the knob is turned.
The function of each knob is
displayed here.
q w e r t y u i o !0 !1
Equalizer Mode
The Equalizer mode lets you make settings for the internal 1-Band Para-
metric Equalizer, and set the center frequency (or in the case of the
TREBLE control knob, its cutoff frequency) for each of the panel’s Tone
Controls (BASS – TREBLE) in the internal five-band equalizer.
To enter the Equalizer mode, press the [FUNCTION] switch. Knob func-
tions are displayed in the bottom row of the panel display above the
● How Knobs Function in the Equalizer Mode
q INPUT LEVEL: Sets the Input Level
w SOUND TYPE: No function.
e COMP (PEQ F): Sets the center frequency of the 1-band parametric equal-
izer (20Hz to 20.0kHz, 255 steps)
r GAIN (PEQ Q): Sets the bandwidth of the 1-band parametric equalizer.
(0.1 to 20.0, 255 steps)
t MASTER (PEQ G): Sets the gain level of the 1-band parametric equal-
izer. (-15dB to +15dB, 0.2dB step)
y BASS (FREQ): Sets the center frequency of the BASS control knob. (20Hz
to 320Hz, 255 steps)
u LOW MID (FREQ): Sets the center frequency of the LOW MID control
knob. (80Hz to 1.28kHz, 255 steps)
i MIDDLE (FREQ): Sets the center frequency of the MIDDLE control knob.
(250Hz to 4.00kHz, 255 steps)
o HIGH MID (FREQ): Sets center frequency of the HIGH MID control knob.
(500Hz to 8.00kHz, 255 steps)
!0 TREBLE (FREQ): Sets the center/cutoff frequency of the TREBLE con-
trol knob. (1.25kHz to 20.0kHz, 255 steps)
!1 OUTPUT: Sets the output level
Detailed Parameter Settings