18 Advanced uses (2) – Editing functions –
ProR3 Digital Reverberator
Program parameters 1 (Primary effects)
Reverberation (Reverb)
Key Parameter Value Description
RevTime 0.3 ~ 99.0 s
Reverb time of primary reverberation (the time required for
60 dB of decay at 1 kHz)
IniDelay 0.1 ~ 200.0 ms Delay time until the primary reverb begins
HighRatio X0.1 ~ X1.0
Reverb time of the high frequency components of the reverb;
relative to RevTime
LowRatio X0.1 ~ X2.4
Reverb time of the low frequency components of the reverb;
relative to RevTime
Diffusion 0 ~ 10 Spread of the reverb sound
Reverb Type *1
*1 Small Hall, Large Hall, Vocal plate, Perc.Plate, Spring, Echo Room, Strings, Snare, Reverb Flange
Type of reverb tone
ER/REV Balance 0/100 ~ 100/0 Level balance between early reflections and reverb
ER/REV Delay 0.1 ~ 100.0 ms
Time difference between beginning of early reflections and
beginning of reverb
Liveness 0 ~ 10 Decay characteristics of early reflections; 0:dead, 10:live
Density 0 ~ 100 Density of the early reflections
HPF Thru, 40 Hz ~ 1.0 kHz Cutoff frequency of the high pass filter
LPF 400 Hz ~ 20 kHz, Thru Cutoff frequency of the low pass filter
Rev2 Time X0.1 ~ X10.0
Decay time of the secondary reverb; relative to primary
Rev2 Delay *2
*2 Only when the input mode is either L-Mono, R -Mono, or LR-Mix.
0.0 ~ 100.0 ms
Time difference between primary reverb and secondary
Rev2 Level *2 0 ~ 100% Level of secondary reverb; relative to primary reverb
Mod Freq 0.05 ~ 40.00 Hz Frequency of reverb modulation
Mod Depth 0 ~ 100% Depth of reverb modulation
Mod Delay 0.1 ~ 30 ms
Shorter values produce modulation in the high range, longer
values in the low range.
Common parameters Refer to “Common parameters” on page 27