General information
your port (left) side. This rule doesn’t apply if
both of you will clear one another if you con-
tinue on your set course and speed.
When two power driven vessels are crossing
each other’s path close enough to run the risk
of collision, the vessel which has the other on
the starboard (right) side must keep out of the
way of the other. If the other vessel is on your
right, you must keep out of its way; you are the
Give-Way vessel. If the other vessel is on
your port (left) side, remember that you
should maintain course and direction, provid-
ed the other vessel gives you the right-of-way
as it should.
If you are passing another vessel, you are the
“Give-Way” vessel. This means that the other
vessel is expected to maintain its course and
speed. You must stay out of its way until you
are clear of it. Likewise, if another vessel is
passing you, you should maintain your speed
and direction so that the other vessel can
steer itself around you.
Other special situations
There are three other rules you should be
aware of when driving your boat around other
Narrow channels and bends
When navigating in narrow channels, you
should keep to the right when it is safe and
practical to do so. If the operator of a power-
driven vessel is preparing to go around a
bend that may obstruct the view of other water
vessels, the operator should sound a pro-
longed blast on the whistle (4 to 6 seconds). If
another vessel is around the bend, it too
should sound the whistle. Even if no reply is
heard, however, the vessel should still pro-
ceed around the bend with caution. If you nav-
igate such waters with your boat, you will
need to carry a portable air horn, available
from local marine supply stores.
Fishing vessel right-of-way
All vessels which are fishing with nets, lines or
trawls are considered to be “fishing vessels”
under the International Rules. Vessels with
trolling lines are not considered fishing ves-
sels. Fishing vessels have the right-of-way re-
gardless of position. Fishing vessels cannot,
however, impede the passage of other ves-
sels in narrow channels.
Sailing vessel right-of-way
Sailing vessels should normally be given the
right-of-way. The exceptions to this are:
1. When the sailing vessel is overtaking the
power-driven vessel, the power-driven
vessel has the right-of-way.
2. Sailing vessels should keep clear of any
fishing vessel.
U6D610E0.book Page 6 Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:52 PM