Flushing Cooling System and Fogging
Cooling system flushing is essential to
prevent the cooling system from clogging
up with salt, sand, or dirt. In addition, fog-
ging of the engine is mandatory to pre-
vent expensive engine damage due to
rust. Perform the flushing and fogging at
the same time.
8 Flushing in a water tank
1) Remove the engine top cowling and
silencer cover.
2) Install the outboard motor on the
water tank, and fill the tank with fresh
water to above the level of the anti-
cavitation plate.
1 Water surface
2 Lowest water level
If the fresh water level is below the level
of the anti-cavitation plate, or if the water
supply is insufficient, engine seizure may
8 Do not tough or remove electrical parts
when starting or during operation.
8 Keep hands, hair and clothes away
from flywheel and other rotating parts
while engine is running.
3) Run the engine at a fast idle for 10~15
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