2) Align the three cowling hooks with the
locks on the bottom cowling.
3) Press down on the top of the cowling at
the front and both sides of the back until
the three locks click.
4) To make sure the cowling is locked
properly push the cowling from each
side. If it lifts, repeat step 3.
Make sure the cowling lock connection
cable is operating correctly before rein-
stalling the top cowling.
8 When the release lever is operated,
both front and rear cowling hooks
should be released at the same time.
If not, adjust the cable adjuster for the
rear clamps.
8 Make sure the cable operates smooth-
ly and is free of corrosion.
8 Check that the cable is properly
secured in the holder.
8 When reinstalling the cowling, insure
that both the front and rear locks have
operated properly.
If the cowling has not been locked prop-
erly some parts may be damaged by the
top cowling shaking during operation.
This device 1 is used to clean the cooling
water passages of the motor using a gar-
den hose and tap water.
Refer to “Cleaning Cooling-water Pas-
sages” in Chapter 4 for instructions on
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