8 Fuel consumption varies greatly with
boat design, weight, propeller used,
engine trim angle, sea conditions
(including wind), and throttle position.
Fuel consumption also varies slightly
with the type of water (salt, fresh, and
contaminate levels), air temperature
and humidity, cleanliness of the boat
bottom, engine mounting height, skill of
the operator, and individual gasoline
formulation (winter or summer fuel and
amount of additives).
8 The Yamaha digital speedometer and
fuel management meter calculates
speed, miles traveled, and fuel econo-
my by water movement at the stern of
the boat. This distance can vary greatly
from the actual distance traveled
because of water currents, sea swells,
and the condition of the water speed
sensor (partially plugged or damaged).
8 Individual engines may slightly vary in
their fuel consumption due to manufac-
turing variations. These variations can
be even greater if the engines are of dif-
ferent year models. In addition, varia-
tions in propellers, even of the same
basic dimensions of the same design,
can also cause a slight variation in fuel
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