
ML361 Virtex-II Pro Memory Board www.xilinx.com 9
UG060 (v1.2) November 8, 2007
About This Guide
This document describes the design of the ML361 Virtex-II Pro™ DDR400/PC3200
Memory Board, which connects a Virtex-II Pro FPGA to DDR memories.
Guide Contents
This manual contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “Introduction,” describes the purpose of the ML361 board and provides its
key features.
Chapter 2, “Architecture,” provides a block diagram of the memory board and
describes the key components.
Chapter 3, “Electrical Requirements,” lists the electrical specifications for the memory
Chapter 4, “Signal Integrity Recommendations and Simulations,” provides
information on termination, transmission lines, and duty cycles. It also gives the
results of several IBIS simulations.
Chapter 5, “Board Layout Guidelines,” provides information on decoupling
capacitors, ground signals, and PCB layout.
Appendix A, “Related Documentation,” lists data sheet and external website
references specific to the ML361 components.
Appendix B, “FPGA Pinout,” provides the pinout of the Virtex-II Pro FPGA.
Additional Resources
For additional information, go to http://support.xilinx.com. The following table lists
some of the resources you can access from this website. You can also directly access these
resources using the provided URLs.
Resource Description/URL
Tutorials Tutorials covering Xilinx design flows, from design entry to verification
and debugging
Answer Browser Database of Xilinx solution records
Application Notes Descriptions of device-specific design techniques and approaches