
User’s Guide
{DD}—inserts the numeric day of the month with a zero added to single-digit days (04).
{DDD}—inserts the abbreviated 3-letter day (Mon).
{DDDD}—inserts the full name of the day (Monday).
{M}—inserts the numeric month without a zero added to single-digit months (8).
{MM}—inserts the numeric month with a zero added to single-digit months (08).
{MMM}—inserts the abbreviated 3-letter month (Aug).
{MMMM}—inserts the full name of the month (August).
{YY}—inserts the two-digit year (97).
{YYYY}—inserts the four-digit year (1997).
{h}—inserts the 12-hour clock hour without a zero added to single-digit time values (2).
{hh}—inserts the 12-hour clock hour with a zero added to single-digit time values (02).
{H}—inserts the 24-hour clock hour without a zero added to single-digit time values (2).
{HH}—inserts the 24-hour clock hour with a zero added to single-digit time values (02).
{m}—inserts the minute without a zero added to single-digit time values (7).
{mm}—inserts the minute with a zero added to single-digit time values (07).
{s}—inserts the second without zero added to single-digit time values (9).
{ss}—inserts the second with zero added to single-digit time values (09).
{User}—inserts the user name.
{Mach}—inserts the computer name.
{Dest}—inserts the destination application name.
{Bttn}—inserts the button name.
{Mode}—inserts the scan color mode.
{Size}—inserts the page size.
{BatchID}—inserts a unique batch identification number.
Technical Note
Some destination application links, such as the NewSoft Presto! BizCard software, require a specific
filename format for the images that have been sent to the link to open correctly in the application. For
example, when scanning duplex, if the image token
{#03b} is not included in the filename, then each
image sent will be regarded as a separate scan, and instead of one file with 2 pages you will have 2
files. As each destination application link is different, there is no standard filename type you can create
to use for all destinations. If you scan and the images are not grouped in the file(s) as needed, try
Use custom file naming and then scan again.