Scanning and Configuring OneTouch
User’s Guide
1. Select SharePoint as the destination application.
2. Open the Scan Configuration you want to modify for scanning to a SharePoint site, or create a new Scan
Select an existing configuration in which you have already specified your SharePoint site information, and
then click on the Copy button to create a new configuration using the settings of the current configuration.
3. Click on the SharePoint tab and fill in the fields with the information for your SharePoint site.
• Protocol—select which protocol you want to use to transfer the scan to the server.
• SharePoint URL—input the full URL path of the SharePoint site without the http(s):// designation and actual
page. This path should include everything except the destination folder.
For example, if the web browser URL displays http://sharepoint.site.com/IT/common/shared documents/
default.aspx, then you would configure the SharePoint server path as follows:
– Select HTTP as the protocol
– The SharePoint URL would be sharepoint.site.com/IT/common
– The Destination folder would be shared documents
• User account—input the user account name that has privileges to save files to the specified SharePoint site
and Destination folder.