Network Scanning Setup
Network Scanning Setup
Network scanning uses FTP, SMB, Netware, HTTP, or HTTPS protocols to transfer a
scanned document on to a server or a client. Templates (scanned file properties) and
repositories (destination folders) need to be set up to enable network scanning.
See also:
System Administration Guide: Contains details about Network Scanning setup.
This guide illustrates the instructions on FTP and SMB protocols only. For detailed
information on Netware, HTTP, and HTTPS protocols, refer to the System
Administration Guide.
Prerequisites for Network Scanning Setup
Confirm that:
1. An existing operational network utilizing TCP/IP is available.
2. A repository (folder) exists on the FTP or SMB server to hold the scanned documents.
A user account for the machine must be created on the server that allows access to the
repository folder.
Procedure for Setup of Network Scanning Ports
To use Network Scanning, enable the applicable Ports (SMB or FTP client) on the machine,
and make sure that an IP address has been set on the machine.
The configuration can also be performed using CentreWare Internet Services. For
information on how to use CentreWare Internet Services, refer to the CentreWare
Internet Services section of the System Administration Guide.
1. Display the [System Administrator Menu] screen.
a. Press the <Log In/Out> button.
b. Enter the Login ID (“11111”) using the numeric keypad or the keyboard displayed
on the screen, then select [Confirm].
c. Press the <Machine Status> button on the control panel.
d. Select the [Tools] tab.
2. If you plan to use the [SMB] protocol with Network Scanning, enable the [SMB] port
on the machine.
a. Select [System Settings].
b. Select [Connectivity & Network Setup].
c. Select [Port Settings].
d. Select [SMB] and then select [Change Settings].
e. Select [Port Status] and then select [Change Settings].
f. Select [Enabled] and then select [Save].