Appendix Section
Xerox 4500 PS TR
• On AIX, you must ensure general read access to the microcode file
(TFTP users have login "nobody").
The microcode filename has the fol lowing format and should not be
XX represents version
Y represents variant
ZZ represents release no. - generally not stated.
e.g.: 095022.B80
(microcode level 2, xerox product (2))
• Ensure that TFTP read access to this file is allowed.
4. Restart the BOOTP server. The Xerox 4500 PS TR checks for new
5. Power the Xerox 4500 PS TR off and back on again.
A microcode upgrade will only be performed if the name of
the microcode file is different from the name of the version
currently operating in the Xerox 4500 PS TR.
6. “PSX3 | 5108 Awaiting microcode download” message is now printed.
7. During download, the LEDs will be blinking alternately.
8. Now print a Test Page (by pressing Test button) and check that the
Version number on the test printout has changed to the new Version
(see the following section: “Problem Determination”).