3 Copy
Booklet Creation
Displays the [Booklet Creation] screen for the build job. For more information, refer to
Booklet Creation on page 63
Displays the [Covers] screen for the build job. For more information, refer to
Covers on
page 65
Displays the [Annotations] screen for the build job. For more information, refer to
Annotations on page 68
Displays the [Watermark] screen for the build job. For more information, refer to
Watermark on page 71
[Copy Job] Screen
The [Copy Job] screen appears after each job set while the Build Job is being executed.
Stops the build job in progress. This button is displayed while the job is being built and
Chapter Start
Displays the [Build Job - Chapter Start/Segment Separators] screen. The following
options are available.
• Off - Disables the feature.
• Chapter Start - Automatically
splits each batch of originals into
chapters, starting on a new page.
Using the [Multiple-Up - New
Page] option sets whether to print
the first page in each stack of
originals on a new page or on the same page as the previous original when the
Multiple-Up feature is selected.
• Segment Separators - Automatically splits each batch of originals into chapters with
a separator page between each chapter. Select [Segment Separators], and specify
the tray containing the blank page separators. For more information on the bypass
tray, refer to
[Tray 5 (Bypass)] Screen on page 52
Change Settings
Allows you to change the settings on the [Copy] screen before scanning the next
section. Press the <Start> button on the control panel to start scanning.