
Xerox DocuMate 3460
User’s Guide
Fax and Print is for sending your scanned documents directly to your printer or fax software.
Sti event forwarding is for using another application’s interface for scanning. The One Touch
Event Forwarding dialog box opens so you can select which application to use to continue
Enable scanning to multiple destinations—select this option to allow for multiple destinations to be
selected, in the destination list, on the One Touch configuration tab. This feature allows you to scan
one time while distributing the file to multiple destinations. Please refer to Scanning to Multiple
Destinations on page 112.
Instant Delivery—enables image transfer to the destination while scanning is in progress, provided
that “Create Single Image Files” is also selected. If Create Single Image Files is not selected, image
transfer occurs after all pages have been scanned.
Show Progress Window—select this option to display the progress window of the document(s) during
Use job separator when scanning multiple pages—select this option to have the scanner separate
multiple page scan jobs into separate files when scanning is complete.
When a blank page is detected—select this option to have a new file created each time a blank
page is detected in the stack of pages being scanned. Note that when scanning Duplex, both sides
of the page must be blank.
When the number of images reaches—select this option, and input a number in the box, to have
a new file created each time the number of images scanned reaches the number you input in this
field. Note that when scanning Duplex, the number of images detected is twice the number of
pages scanned. For example, if you input “5” in the field, and scan 10 pages, 20 images are
captured, and you will get 4 separate files with 5 images in each file.
Please refer to Scanning with Job Separation on page 115 for detailed information about scanning
with job separation, and how it works with other options in One Touch.
Use custom file naming—Select this option to enable the input field so that you can specify the file
name for your scanned document(s). You can specify a different file name for each One Touch button.
When this option is not select, the file name is automatically generated by One Touch for all scans.
The preview area, to the right of the Use custom file naming text, shows an example of the
filename as you type into the input field and/or select token options from the list.
Type the file name you want into the input field. Note that you cannot input these characters in a
file name: \ / : * ? “ < > |
When inputting a file name, the file name must be unique, otherwise every scan created would
overwrite the previous scan. The menu to the right of the input field contains a list of tokens you
can select to create unique file names. These tokens include counting numbers, date and time
values, number of pages scanned, and so on. If the button name is not unique, you will see an on-
screen notification that a {BatchID} and/or {#b} will be inserted into the name.