Choose a destination for the image. The destination you specify is
used to determine the resolution at which the scanner will scan the image. For
example, if you select Monitor as the destination, the Resolution pop-up menu
automatically chooses the resolution that is correct for most monitors. You
can, however, change the resolution setting if you wish. You can also specify a
custom resolution.
Choose the resolution you want to use. The resolution is
automatically set for the output device (destination) you’ve chosen, but you
can choose a different resolution if you wish. For more information on
resolution settings, see “Scanning With Custom Settings,” later in this chapter.
5 Click Preview.
The scanner creates a preliminary image in the preview area of the
dialog box.
Tip: When the preview shows as much of the image as you want, you can
stop the scanner by pressing x-. (Command-period).
Scanning Images
Preview of the scan
Preview area