The XW Automatic Generator Start
975-0239-01-01 5–11
The wires on the wiring harness can be extended to meet installation requirements. When
extending the wire harness, ensure that the extension wires are the same color as the wires
on the harness.
To install the XW Automatic Generator Start using the wiring harness:
1. Connect each wire on the harness to its intended wire or contact on the generator,
thermostats, or external switches.
2. Plug the harness into the connector on the bottom panel of the XW
Automatic Generator Start.
Wire Identification Each wire on the harness is identified by a number and a color. The wire numbers are
shown in Figure 5-9 and their colors and functions are described in Table 5-3.
Wire Size and
Required wire sizes for the external connections to the wiring harness are:
When planning the routing for external connections, ensure that wire lengths are sufficient
to plug the wiring harness into the XW Automatic Generator Start once all the external
connections are complete.
Table 5-2
Required Wiring Size Based on Length of Cable
0–30 ft. (9 m) Over 30 ft. (9 m)
18 AWG 16 AWG
Figure 5-9
XW Automatic Generator Start Wiring Harness
Table 5-3
Contact Numbers and Functions
Number Function
Wiring Harness
Wire Color
1 Thermostat 1 input Yellow
2 Thermostat 1 return Gray
3 Thermostat 2 input Orange
4 Thermostat 2 return Gray
5 External shutdown input White/Black
6 External shutdown return Gray