About The XPR Power Supply
Status Annunciators
Release 1.1 19
Status Annunciators
Figure 1.2 Front Panel Display, Status Annunciators
1. AC: The AC input is out of range and has caused the output of the supply to be
shut down (red)
2. OTP: The internal Over Temperature Protection threshold has been exceeded,
disabling the supply output until the sensors cool to within the normal operating
temperature range (red)
3. INT: The external shutdown line has been asserted, disabling the output of the
supply (green)
4. OVP: The output Over Voltage Protection threshold have been exceeded,
latching the supply output off (red)
5. SNS: The remote sense line protection circuit has been activated, latching the
supply output off (red)
6. ON: The supply output is enabled (green)
7. OFF: The supply output has been disabled (green)
8. LCL: The supply is in Local control mode (green)
9. RMT: The supply is in Remote program mode (green)
10. CV: The supply is operating in Constant Voltage mode (green)
11. CC: The supply is operating in Constant Current mode (green)
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