Remote Operation
4–14 TM-XDOP-01XN
Using Multichannel Operation
Once the power supplies have been configured and connected, you may power
them on.
Power supplies controlled via multichannel have full capabilities, including
changing REM/LCL modes and calibration.
Any power supply may send multichannel commands, if they are connected to a
PC via RS-232 or GPIB.
A power supply will attempt to connect to the network:
• on power up, and
• when the multichannel address is changed.
Note that slave units have an automatic readdressing capability when in
multichannel mode. A slave unit will attempt another address when it is added to a
string with an address that is already taken. If no new address can be found then
the following error will be queued:
Error 1702, “Multichannel address taken” is queued if the
power supply fails to connect.
SCPI Remote Control (RCONtrol) subregister will indicate the status of the
connection. A power supply that has been disabled will not have any bits set. Use
the SCPI command:
to query the condition of the multichannel interface.
See Table 4-13, “Remote CONtrol Sub-Register” on page 4–49 for a description
of the bits in this register.
TM-XDOP-01XN.book Page 14 Monday, July 17, 2006 11:19 AM