
Release 1.1 35
Section 3. Operation
This section covers RS-232 interface programming, including an extensive set of
commands, and providing error codes, and status and fault register information.
RS-232 Operation
The RS-232 interface card allows you to send and receive data between your power
supply and computer. You can use the computer controller to issue commands to the
power supply for programming, queries, calibration, or status. The power supply
responds to the complete command set of device dependent software commands
shown in “Command Reference” on page 42.
Command Syntax
The manual uses these conventions when displaying command information. These
characters are not part of the command but are used to denote parameters used with
the command.
< > (angle brackets) Angle brackets enclose a parameter. Do not include
the angle brackets in the command line you send to
the computer.
/ (slash) Separates two alternative parameters. When a slash
separates two parameters, you can use either
parameter to achieve the same result.
1 or ON will achieve the same result.
COMPUTER ENTRY Words typed on the computer are shown in Arial
text, full capitals.