
Operator Interface
152379 Rev C 2–9
The READ Menu includes the following information:
Current Operating State or Goal State
Fault Code (if applicable)
Inverter State
Line Voltage and Current
Inverter Matrix Temperature
•Inverter Power
•PV State
PV Voltage and Current
PV Power
Grid Frequency
Peak Power Tracker Enabled
Table 2-1 shows how the third and fourth line of the LCD will change as the
operator continues scrolling through the Menu. Table 2-2 on page 2–11 provides
a detailed description of R
EAD Menu operational values that are displayed on the
To Display Any Operational Value in the READ Menu
From the Standard Display, use the /\ or \/ keys on the operator interface keypad
to scroll through the R
EAD Menu. The fourth line of the display will change to
display the appropriate information. See Table 2-1.
The \/ key will scroll downward through the menu.
•The /\ key will scroll upward through the menu.
Upon reaching the end of the menu, it will go back to the beginning of the menu.
Table 2-1
Scrolling through the Read Menu Parameters
Read Menu Value Fourth Line of the LCD
Software Version (not shown) CCU Vx.xx FP V.x.x
Date/Time (not shown) Feb-14-2005 10:01:55
Read by ID# Value by ID#
Inverter A-B Volt INV A Volts:
Inverter B-C Volt INV B Volts:
Inverter C-A Volt INV C Volts:
Inverter A-B Current INV A Amps:
Inverter B-C Current INV B Amps:
Inverter C-A Current INV C Amps:
PV Voltage PV Volts:
PV Current PV Amps:
PV Power PV kW:
Grid Frequency Grid Freq:
Ground Current Ground I:
Accumulated Power KWH: