Status Registers
Release 2.1 73
The Shutdown sub-register indicates the cause of the power supply shutdown. More
than one bit may be active, and multiple actions will be required to enable the output.
The protection shutdown sub-register indicates which protection mechanisms have
caused the power supply to shutdown.
Table 4.3 SHUTdown Sub-Register
Table 4.4 Protection SHUTdown Sub-Register
This identifies which remote interface is controlling the unit. Only one bit is active
at a time with the exception of analog control, where voltage or current alone, or both
may be under remote control. Current share mode is considered to be under local
control, even though the user cannot adjust the voltage setting from the front panel.
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description
0 1 PROTectio
n Summary
The power supply is shut down by a power
supply protection mechanism.
1 2 INTerlock The power supply is shut down by INTerlock
2 4 COMMand The power supply is shut down by a command.
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description
0 1 Over VOLTage Over voltage protection has tripped
1 2 Under VOLTage Under voltage protection has tripped
2 4 Over CURrent Over current protection has tripped
3 8 Under CURrent Under current protection has tripped
4 16 Reserved
5 32 Reserved
6 64 AC Fail AC Fail protection has tripped
7 128 Over Temperature Over temperature protection has tripped
8 256 SENSe Sense protection has tripped
9 512 FOLDback Foldback protection has tripped
10 1024 Output Fail The power supply is shutdown by a
hardware circuit that monitors the output
and compares it to the setpoint.
Shutdown could indicate a bridge failure.
A temporary condition may be caused by