
c. Put system back into operation and view burner
while cycling through full firing range. This will give
a visual check for blocked burner ports. Clean
burner ports as necessary using a #47 drill. Burner
plates should be cleaned with a wire brush at least
once a year.
2. Inspect the flame rod and ignition electrode for dirt
and moisture. Wipe off if necessary. Examine for any
evidence of premature arcing. If in doubt, check con-
tinuity of flame rod to be sure it is not grounding out.
Replace if required.
The porcelain on the ignition electrode must be intact,
not cracked.
3. Replace all access panels, which have been removed,
and operate the unit for a test period. Check for
normal response and function of all controls.
4. Check all gas piping for possible leaks using a soap
bubble solution.
5. Inspect the support means to be sure that everything
is firmly anchored in place.
Inspection and Maintenance of Gas Ports
Conduct initial inspection within the first month after
commissioning.Visually check the gas ports of new burner
assemblies for any piping scale or debris. Use Pin Vise with
drill bit to remove.
Annual inspections are normally adequate once the initial
piping debris is removed.The operating conditions of the
burner will determine how frequently maintenance is actu-
ally required.
Use of an electric drill motor is not suggested unless both
Pin Vise and Drill (as shown) can be chucked up in a vari-
speed drill unit. Use caution, because it is easy to snap the
bits off in a port when using a drill motor. Removal of bro-
ken bits from the gas ports is difficult.
Alternate drill sizes which may be used are 5/64” (for #47)
and 1/16” (for #50).
Contact your Maxon representative to answer questions
or address any problems.