If your Tour Guide System is not working, check the following:
1. Read through the manual and user guide carefully to verify proper setup and installation
of your system.
2. Make sure the batteries are fresh or completely charged and that the “plus” and “minus”
terminals are installed correctly.
3. If the rechargeable batteries will only work for a short period of time (less than 1 hour) even
after they are fully charged, they must be regenerated. Leave them in the receiver or transmitter
with the unit turned on, for 5 - 6 hours. Then turn receiver or transmitter off, place it in the
charger, and fully charge the receiver (4 hours) and transmitter (14-16 hours). This should
restore normal battery life. Rechargeable batteries will gradually lose their capacity over time
and should be replaced every year.
4. Make sure the
microphone is plugged into the PFM T31 Transmitter and the headphone is
plugged into the PPA R35 Receiver.
5. Move the transmitter and receiver closer together. You may be out of range. When using the
system indoors, it’s normal for the signal to momentarily disappear in certain locations. This is
called a “drop-out.” Moving a few feet will restore the signal.
6. Do not try to use more than one transmitter on the same channel in close proximity to each
INTERFERENCE IF THEY ARE CLOSE TOGETHER. Keep the transmitters at least 30
meters apart or use separate channels for each system used.
7. If you are still hearing interference on the receivers, turn the transmitter off and listen with a
receiver. If you hear the interference with the transmitter of
f, you need to change to a clear
channel. Call your Williams Sound at 1-800-328-6190 for details.
Williams Sound Corp. assumes no liability for improper use or operation of this equipment. The
user is cautioned to operate the volume controls at the lowest acceptable level, and in a manner that
will not cause damage to hearing. Ear pieces and accessories should be worn using good judgement
and for their intended purpose.
Users are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by Williams Sound Corp.
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.