Adapter." Use of #0 gauge wire to make the connections to
the inverter may require a "0 to 4 Gauge Adapter." Both
adapters are available through electronic supply stores
including Radio Shack. Radio Shack part number is listed below:
O Ring Adapter: RSU11538139
0 to 4 Gauge Adapter: RSU11538667
2000 and 3000
When the inverter and the battery are set up within four
of each other, use a minimum of #2 gauge wire to make the
connections. Within four to six feet, use two #0 gauge wire.
At distances of more than six feet, use #0 gauge wires
connected in parallel to the battery.
Making the Connection.
1. Make certain that the Power switch is in the OFF (O) position.
2. Connect the cables to the power input terminals at the
rear of the inverter and tighten the screws to make a
secure connection.
Do not use tools to tighten these screws.
(To make these connections on the 2000 and 3000,
remove the supplied nut at each terminal on the inverter,
install the wire connectors flush with the metal backing
plates and refasten the nuts securely.
3. Connect the cable from the Negative (-) terminal on
the inverter to the Negative (-) terminal on the 12 volt
power source. Make certain the connection is secure.
4. Confirm that the cable you have just installed is
properly connected. Specifically, make certain that
the cable is connected to the Negative (-) terminals
on both the inverter and the 12 volt power source.
5. Connect the cable from the Positive (+) terminal on
the inverter to the Positive (+) terminal on the power