I M P O R TA N T: Whistler will not assume responsibility for loss
or damage incurred in shipping. There f o r e, please ship your
i n v e r ter insured with re t u r n receipt re q u e s t e d .
2. Include with your unit the following information, clearly printed:
• Your name and street address (for shipping via UPS),
a daytime telephone number, (No P.O. Box please.) and email
a d d r ess (if applicable).
• A detailed description of the problem, i.e. Unit powers up but
no AC output.
• A copy of your dated store receipt or bill of sale.
3. Be certain your inverter is re t u r ned with its serial number. For
re f e r ence, please write your unit’s serial number in the following
space: s/n __________________.
I n v e r ters without serial numbers are not covered under warr a n t y.
I M P O R TA N T: To validate that your inverter is within the warr a n -
ty period, make sure you keep a copy of your dated store re c e i p t !
You may register your warranty online at www. w h i s t l e rg ro u p . c o m ,
h o w e v e r, for warranty verification purposes, a copy of your dated
s t o r e receipt must accompany any unit sent in for warranty work.
Service Out Of Warranty
Inverters will be repaired at “out of warranty” service rates
• The unit’s original warranty has expired.
• Dated store receipt is not supplied.
• The unit has been returned without its serial number.
• The unit has been abused, modified, installed
improperly, or had its housing removed.
The out of warranty service fee for your PP1250AC Whistler
inverter is $135.00, PP1750AC Whistler inverter is $225.00
and PP2750AC Whistler inverter is $465.00. If you require out
of warranty service, please return your inverter as outlined in
the section “Service Under Warranty” along with a certified
check or money order for the correct amount. Payment may
also be made by MasterCard, VISA or American Express;
personal checks are not accepted. In the event repairs can-
not be covered by the service fee, you will be contacted by
a Whistler technical service specialist who will outline options
available to you. If you elect not to have your inverter
repaired/replaced, it will be returned to you along with your
certified check or money order.
IMPORTANT: When returning your inverter for service, be
certain to include a daytime telephone number and email
address (if applicable).
Consumer Relations
If you have questions concerning the operation of your
Whistler invert e r, or re q u i re service during or after the
w a rranty period, please call Consumer Relations at
1-800-531-0004. Representatives are available to answer your
questions Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CT).
1250/1750/2750 Manual 3/6/02 2:45 PM Page 35