Cycle Guide
Settings and options shown in bold are default settings for that cycle. For best fabric care, choose the cycle, options, and settings
that best fit the load being washed. Not all settings are available with each cycle, and some options cannot be used together.
Not all cycles, temperatures, options, or spin speeds are available on all models.
All wash temperature selections feature a cold rinse.
No clothes in washer Clean TumbleFresh
Use this cycle every 30 washes to
Washer Delay Wash keep the inside of your washer fresh
with and clean. This cycle uses a higher
water level. Use with affresh
cleaner tablet or liquid chlorine bleach
to thoroughly clean the inside of your
washer. This cycle should not be
interrupted. See “Washer Care.”
IMPORTANT: Do not place garments
or other items in the washer during
the Clean Washer with affresh
Use this cycle with an empty wash
tub. See “Washer Care” in “Washer
Wet load of clothes Drain N/A Fast N/A TumbleFresh
Use Drain & Spin to remove
& Spin Medium Delay Wash excess water from the load.
Slow Spin speed can be set to
Off a slower setting.
Swimwear, items Drain Hot Fast Heavy TumbleFresh
Select Drain & Spin; then select
that need rinsing & Spin Warm Medium Normal Delay Wash Extra Rinse to add water. The
with Cool Slow Light cycle includes a fast-speed
Extra Cold Off spin. For some fabrics, you may
Rinse wish to set the spin speed to a
slower setting.
Small loads of Quick Hot Fast Heavy TumbleFresh
For small loads (2–4 items)
2–4 lightly soiled Wash Warm Medium Normal Extra Rinse needed quickly. This cycle
garments Cool Slow Light Delay Wash combines fast-speed tumbling,
Cold Off a shortened wash time, and a
fast-speed spin for reduced
drying times.
Sheer fabrics, Delicates Hot Fast Heavy TumbleFresh
This cycle combines slow-
lingerie, sweaters, Warm Medium Normal Extra Rinse speed tumbling and slow-speed
and lightly-soiled Cool Slow Light Delay Wash spin for gentle fabric care
shirts, blouses, Cold Off and reduced wrinkling.
trousers, pants,
and skirts
Bright or darkly Cold Cold Fast Heavy TumbleFresh
This cycle uses a concentrated
colored cottons, Wash Medium Normal Extra Rinse detergent solution along with
linens, casual Off Light Delay Wash cold water throughout the
and mixed loads cycle to gently lift out stains
and care for fabrics.
Items to wash
using default
cycle settings:
Cycle Details:
Load Size Recommendations
For best results, follow the load size recommendations noted for
each cycle.
Small load: Fill the washer drum with 3–4 items, not more
than ¼ full.
Medium load: Fill the washer drum up to about ½ full.
Large load: Fill the washer drum up to about ¾ full.
Extra-large load: Fill the washer drum, but make sure clothes
can tumble freely. For best results, avoid packing tightly.