To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock or injury to Persons
using your washer, follow basic
including the
l Read all instructions before using your
. Do not tamper with the controls.
l If your hot water has not been used
l Do not machine wash or machine dry
recently (usually 2 weeks or longer),
items cleaned, washed, soaked in, or
hydrogen gases may build up in your
spotted with wax, paint, gasoline, oil, or
water heater and your hot water pipes.
other flammable fluids. The fumes can
create a fire hazard or explosion. Always
prevent injury or damage, before using
hand wash and line dry items containing
your washer, turn on all hot water faucets
these materials.
and allow water to run for several min-
. Flammable fluids (dry-cleaning solvents,
utes. This will allow gases to escape. Do
kerosene, gasoline, etc.) should not be
not smoke or use any open flame near
used or stored in or near your washer. Do
your faucet while it is open.
not add flammable fluids to your wash
Please . . .
water. These substances give off vapors
that can create a fire hazard or explosion.
l Have only
qualified repairman install,
repair, or replace parts on washer.
l Do not allow children to operate, play with,
or crawl on or inside your washer. Super-
l Maintain washer properly.
vise children closely when your washer is
* Protect washer from the weather and
used near them.
keep it where the temperature will not fall
below freezing.
l Before your washer is removed from
service or discarded, remove the lid to
prevent accidental entrapment.
l After starting a cycle, do not reach into the
basket unless the Cycle Control Knob is
pushed in and all motion stops.
l Install and level washer on a floor that
can support the weight.’
l Connect washer to the correct 3-prong
outlet, electrical supply, water supply, and
l Ground washer properly.*
‘See the Installation Instructions.
Understanding your responsibilities
l Store detergent, laundry aids and other
l Do not use chlorine bleach and ammonia
materials in a cool, dry place where or acids (such as vinegar or rust re-
children cannot reach them (in a locked
mover) in the same wash. Hazardous
cabinet if possible). fumes can form.
l Read and follow instructions on pack-
ages of detergent and laundry aids,
. Unplug power supply cord before
attempting to service your washer.
especially warnings and precautions.
l Do not wash or dry items that are soiled
with vegetable or cooking oil. These
items may contain some oil after laun-
dering. Due to the remaining oil, the
fabric may smoke or catch fire by itself.
l Do not machine wash fiberglass
materials. Small particles can stick to the
fabrics washed in following loads and
cause skin irritation.