Note: The console can
display speed and dis-
ance in either kilome-
ters or miles. To see
hich unit of measure-
ment is selected, first
remove the key from the console. Next, hold down
the Stop button, reinsert the key, wait until you
hear a tone, and then release the Stop button. An
“M” for metric kilometers or an “E” for English miles
will appear in the upper display. Press the Speed
increase button to change the unit of measurement
if desired. When the desired unit of measurement
is selected, remove the key and then reinsert it.
Measure your heart rate if desired.
Before using the hand-
grip pulse sensor, re-
move the sheets of
clear plastic from the
metal contacts. In addi-
tion, make sure that
your hands are clean.
To measure your heart rate, stand on the foot
rails and hold the metal contacts—avoid moving
our hands.
When your pulse is detected, the
small heart symbol in the lower right display will
lash, one or two dashes will appear, and then
your heart rate will be shown.
For the most accu-
rate heart rate reading, continue to hold the
contacts for about 15 seconds.
When you are finished exercising, remove the
key from the console.
Step onto the foot rails, press the Stop button, and
remove the key from the console. Keep the key in a
secure place. Then, switch the on/off switch to the
“off” position and unplug the power cord.