Distributing the Software and Profiles
Mobile User VPN
1 You can choose to make the .wgx file read-only so that the user cannot change the security
policy file. To do this, select the Make the MUVPN client security policy read-only check box.
2 Mobile VPN clients use shared Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) and Domain Name
System (DNS) server addresses. DNS changes host names into IP addresses, while WINS changes
NetBIOS names to IP addresses. The trusted interface of the Edge must have access to these
servers. Type a DNS server and WINS server IP address in the text boxes near the bottom of the
Mobile User page.
Because the Mobile VPN client always uses a virtual adapter, you should not change the virtual adapter
settings on this dialog box.This setting applies only to Mobile User VPN versions prior to 10.0. For version
10.0 and later, it does not matter what you use for this setting because the Mobile VPN with IPSec software
version 10.0 and later always uses a virtual adapter. See the Mobile User VPN Administrator's Guide for information
about how this setting affects earlier versions of the Mobile User software.
Distributing the Software and Profiles
WatchGuard® recommends distributing end-user profiles by encrypted email or with some other
secure method. Each client computer must have:
• Software installation package
The packages are located on the WatchGuard LiveSecurity® Service web site at:
Log in to the site using your LiveSecurity Service user name and password. Click the Latest
Software link, click Add-ons/Upgrades on the left side, and then click the link for Mobile VPN
with IPSec.