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Observe water level
lass to verify that water
is in boiler and that the level in the
lass is
about half full.
Both valves on the
lass assembly must be
open to fill the
e. When the water reaches the
minimum level, the steam solenoid valve will open,
steam to enter the steam coil in the heat
er tank and be
in heatin
the water. After
approximately 20 minutes, a sufficient amount of
pressurized steam should be present for cookin
Direct Steam Powered Cooker
1. Open the cabinet door and turn main power
switch ON.
A. The red li
ht on the switch will illuminate.
B. If steam pressure is above the minimum
on the cookin
pressure switch then the switch will close,
ready li
ht will come ON and power to the
other controls will be supplied.
C. Observe that the steam pressure
e in
the cabinet base, indicates 10-12 psi.
2. Steamer is ready to cook product.
Boiler Blowdown and Steamer Shut off
Turn the steamer off at least once daily and blow
down the boiler to remove sediments, scalants and
lime build-up in the boiler. Always blowdown the
boiler when it is under maximum pressure and no
steam is bein
3. Automatic blowdown.
A. Newer Models
- Open the cabinet door
and turn main power switch OFF. The
switches’ red li
ht will
o out, the
blowdown/drain solenoid valve will be de-
ized and the boiler will be
in to
drain. The cold water condenser solenoid
will continue to operate, as needed, to
condense steam and to cool the water
into the drain.
B. Older Models
- Turn power switch OFF
and depress blowdown timer button.
Blowdown timer will operate for 4 minutes.
At the end of blowdown, turn fill switch ON
and allow boiler to fill.
4. Manual blowdown.
A. All Models
- Turn power switch OFF. Open
blowdown valve located on the bottom
front of the cabinet base. After the boiler
has completely drained, close blowdown
valve and turn fill switch to ON and allow
boiler to fill.
Cooking Compartment Controls
Close the compartment door and turn the screw
handle clockwise
until the
asket touches the
compartment surface then ½ turn further to
adequately seal the compartment. If steam leaks
occur after compartment heat up and pressurization,
turn handle clockwise
ain to increase the sealin
force until the leak stops.
Proceed to the cookin
compartment control
instructions that apply to the steamer in use.
1. Manual
A. Set the manual timer to the desired
time. If preheatin
is desired,
allow five to ten minutes (recommended)
of additional time at the be
of the
cook cycle. The len
th of time will vary
with the type, size, temperature and
condition (frozen or thawed) of the product
and must be determined from experience.
Pull the steam control arm handle forward
and lock it by pullin
the handle down.
This closes the steam exhaust
ate valve
and opens the steam inlet
ate valve,
steam to enter the compartment.
preheat, cooler air and condensate
are exhausted from the compartment
h the steam trap (condenser) until
the temperature reaches 180°F, closin
the internal bellows. Throu
hout the
cycle, the compartment pressure
should be 6 psi if equipped with a
compartment pressure re
On models without the compartment
pressure re
valve, the
compartment pressure cycles with the
boiler pressure between 4 and 6 psi.
B. When the timer bell rin
s to si
nal the end
of a cook cycle, turn it OFF. Lift the steam
control arm handle to unlatch team control
arm. An internal sprin
will automatically
pull the arm to the rear. This closes the
steam inlet
ate valve and opens the
steam exhaust
ate valve, allowin
and pressure to exit the compartment.
C. Wait approximately 30 seconds for the
steam to exhaust from the compartment
and to depressurize. Turn the screw
handle on the compartment door
until the
asket no
er seals a
ainst the compartment
surface. After the remainin
escapes, move the latch paddle to the left
and open the door.