Water Level Control
(WLC LLCO) .........
Low water level control. Monitors condition of the WLC LLCO water level probe. Protects
kettle from a low water condition in the reservoir jacket and removes power from heating
circuit when kettle is tilted.
Probe, Water Level
(LLCO) ...............
Low Level Cut-Off (LLCO) probe connected to WLC (LLCO). Controls power to heating
Contactor (1CON)
Limiting ..............
Connects one side of heating element to power. Energized whenever WLC (LLCO) coil
is energized (WLC LLCO contacts closed).
Contactor (2CON)
Regulating ...........
Connects heating element to power. On constantly when temperature controller is calling
for heat (temperature controller contacts closed).
Element, Heating ..... Heats reservoir jacket fluid. The heat in the fluid is then transferred to kettle.
Fuse, (1FU & 2FU) .... Slow blow 3A fuse. Located on primary side of main transformer (1T). Protects control
circuitry from over-currents.
Switch (1PAS),
Pressure .............
Pressure cut-out protection for the reservoir jacket. Range is between 38 to 42 PSI.
Removes power from control circuit if pressure in the jacket rises above switch setting.
Transformer (1T), Main
Step down transformer from line voltage to 120VAC control circuit voltage.
Switch (1S), Power ... Controls 120VAC to kettle control circuit
Controller ............
Cycles power to regulating contactor (2CON) to maintain the set point temperature. An
external set point potentiometer is used for temperature adjustments.
Lamp (1LT), Power ... Amber (AM) colored lamp. On when power switch is on.
Lamp (2LT), Low Water
Red (RD) colored lamp. On when water level in the reservoir jacket drops below water
level (LLCO) probe or when kettle is tilted (tilting models only).
Lamp (3LT), Heat ..... Amber (AM) colored lamp. On when temperature controller is calling for heat.
Electric Stationary and Tilting Kettles - ELECTRICAL OPERATION
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