— 3 —
Important safety information page 2
Codes and standards information page 3
Manual use information page 3
Data plate information page 3
Tools required for servicing page 3
General appliance information age 3
Section l Service Checks and Adjustments page 4-5
Section ll Removal of Service Parts page 6-10
Section lll Trouble Shooting page 11
Vulcan-Hart Cheese Melters are to be installed in accordance with state and local codes, or in the absence of
local codes, with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI-Z223.1 (latest edition), available from the American Gas
Association, Inc., 1515 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va. 22209 and with ANSI-NFPA Standard #96 (latest edition),
Vapor Removal From Cooking Equipment, available from the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch
Park, Quincy, MA 02269.
For this appliance, clearance from combustible construction must be a minimum of 6" from the sides, 0" from the
back, and 4" from a counter top. There is no minimum clearance from noncombustible construction.
This manual is dedicated to the servicing of the Vulcan-Hart Co. ICM24,36,48,60 and 72 Cheese Melter.
The manual is divided into 3 sections, CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTS, REMOVAL OF SERVICE PARTS AND
TROUBLE SHOOTING. For additional technical assistance refer to the service assistance number on the front
cover of this manual. Refer to parts manual to identify service replacement parts.
The data plate which identifies the appliance model no., device no., serial no., gas specification and agency
approvals is located on the appliance front cover in lower right corner.
Tools required to preform the service operations covered in this manual.
1. Standard set of hand tools.
2. Temperature tester (thermocouple or digital pyrometer).
3. Gas test kit.
ICM24 is a 24" wide unit appliance (1) 20,000 BTU/HR burner.
ICM36 is a 36" wide appliance using (1) 30,000 BTU/HR burner.
ICM48 is a 48" wide appliance using (2) 20,000 BTU/HR burners.
ICM60 is a 60" wide appliance using (1) 20,000 and (1) 30,000 BTU/HR burners.
ICM72 is a 72" wide appliance using (2) 30,000 BTU/HR burners.
The 20,000 BTU burner is 15" long and the 30,000 BTU burner is 27" long.
The appliance manifold pressure is 5" W.C. for natural gas and 10" W.C. for propane gas.