— 14 —
Set thermostat knob to desired temperature and allow oven to preheat for approximately 15 minutes
before loading.
1. When using 2- or 4-deck sections that have one control for two compartments, load both
compartments simultaneously. If a quantity sufficient for only one compartment is to be baked, load
only the compartment with the thermostat bulb. DO NOT stagger loading.
2. Always load each shelf evenly, spacing pans away from each other and side walls of oven.
3. Whenever possible, always load each oven section fully. Never add product to a section after
goods already in oven have started to bake; unbalanced baking will result.
4. Roast ovens with center removable shelves are equipped with adjustable slides located in the side
linings. When shelf is removed, close slides; when shelf is in position, open slides.
Keep door opening during baking to a minimum for best product results.
The use of a meat thermometer is recommended for all roasting operations.
Multi-deck ovens with a single combustion chamber and thermostat must not be expected to have the
same even heat distribution and flexibility that are characteristic of the single-deck sections.
18"x26" 12"x20" 10" 9
/2"x5" 13"x10
/2" No. 3 5" 20"x28" 19"x4"
Model Bun Steam Pie 1-Lb. Cup Bean Round Roast Pull- 25 Lb.
Pans Table Pans Pans Loaves Tins Pots Casseroles Pans mans Turkey
7016A1 4 8 24 84 18 40 96 4 ——
7066A1 8 16 48 96 36 80 192 8 ——
7018A1 2 4 12 24 9 20 48 2 14 —
7088A1 4 8 24 48 18 40 96 4 28 —
7888A1 6 12 36 72 27 60 144 6 42 —
7086A1 6 12 36 72 27 60 144 6 42 —
7019A1 *2 *4 *12 24 *9 20 48 2 — 6
7099A1 *4 *8 *24 48 *18 40 96 4 — 12
7999A1 *6 *12 *36 72 *27 60 144 6 — 18
7096A1 *6 *12 *36 72 *27 60 144 6 — 8
7098A1 *4 *8 — 48 *18 40 96 4 — 8
7988A1 *6 *12 — 72 *27 60 144 6 — 8
7998A1 *6 *12 — 72 *27 60 144 6 — 16
*Compartment capacity of 12
/4" high roast section may be doubled when extra removable center shelf is used.