General Purpose/
Ramps up to 60% for 18 seconds
2 Double Smoothie
Ramps up to MED (45%) for 6 seconds, then (58%)
for 8 seconds, then HIGH (85%) for 4 seconds
3 Frozen Coee & Juices
Ramps up to LOW (25%) for 4 seconds then to MED (60%)
for 14 seconds
4 Ice Cream Drinks
Ramps up to MED (55%) for 5 seconds, then LOW (25%)
for 7 seconds, then (12%) for 16 seconds
Ice Cream Drinks
Ramps up to MED (51%) for 10 seconds, then ramps
up to HIGH (85%) for 10 seconds
6 Thick Hard-To-Blend
Ramps up to LOW (15%) for 7 seconds,
then gradually ramps up to HIGH (82%) for 21 seconds
7 Medium Smoothie
Gradually ramps up to HIGH (100%)
Gradually ramps up to HIGH (100%)
9 Thick Smoothie
Ramps up to MED (50%) for 15 seconds,
then ramps up to HIGH (100%) for 20 seconds
10 Mix, Light Juice
Runs on LOW (10%)
11 Heavy Smoothie
Runs at MED-HIGH (75%), ramps up, back down,
then up to HIGH (100%)
Runs on LOW (7%) for 25 seconds, quickly ramps up to HIGH (100%),
then decreases to LOW (7%), and quickly back to HIGH (100%)
13 Regular Iced Coee
Quickly ramps up to HIGH (100%)
14 Double Iced Coee
Quickly ramps up to HIGH (100%)
15 Thick Coee
Ramps up to MED (55%), gradually decreases to LOW (7%),
then quickly up to HIGH (100%)
16 Multiple Coees
Ramps up to LOW (25%), gradually ramps up to MED (50%),
then up to HIGH (100%)
Recipe Options Arranged by recipe number (#) and drink type: