2. Refrigerant Valve a. Initiate manual valve activation
Solenoid Fault, mode on opposite
valve as that
Stuck Open suspected. Toggle to evaporator
temp readings associated with
suspected valve to verify it is
closed. If it is open, check
solenoid electrical connections
to make sure they are not
crossed. Unplug solenoid to
see if valve closes. If valve
closes, replace solenoid. If valve
does not close, replace valve.
3. Room Temperature
Below Set-Point a. Instruct customer.
F. 1. “Extremely”
1. Control Set to Display 1. Initiate temperature units
Cold Temperatures
Celsius but Customer selection mode and select
Displayed (3
to 18
) Thought it was Fahrenheit units of measure.
2. If outside US –
Could be “Extremely” 2. If Outside US – Control 2. Initiate temperature units
Warm Temperatures
Set to Display Fahren- selection mode and select
Displayed (38
to 65
) heit but Customer Celsius units of measure.
Thought it was Celsius.
G. Lights Stay on in 1. Lights Switched “On” 1. Press & release lights On/Off
Either Wine Storage
100% key.
Compartments. 2. Fan and Light Switch 2. Check wiring at fan & light
Wiring Crossed switch, and at control board.
Rewire if incorrect.
3. Light Switch 3. Press & release lights On/Off
Malfunction key, then depress light switch.
Repeat steps. If no effect,
replace switch.
H. Lights will not
1. Unit in Holiday Mode 1. Press & release unit On/Off key.
Energize in One or
2. Light Burned Out 2. Plug in known good lights. If
All Wine Storage they work, replace defective
3. Light Switch Discon- 3. Check light switch operation
nected of Malfunction- and electrical connections.
ing. Check for 115VAC to and from
Switch. reconnect wires or
Replace switch if defective.