Regulator Assembly
coupler sleeve
1/2” male
flare adapter
Connection: Standard Residential 1/2” ID gas service line - 1/2” NPT male with 1/2” flare adapter.
Operating Pressure: 4.0” W.C.P. Nat.
Supply Pressure: 6” to 14” W.C.P. Nat. If in excess of 14” W.C.P., a step-down regulator is required.
Check with your local gas utility company or with local codes for instructions on installing gas supply lines. Be sure to check on
type and size of run and how deep to bury the lines. If the gas line is too small, the grill will not function properly.
To connect the supplied regulator assembly to the incoming flexible gas line, attach with a 1/2” (1.3 cm) female flare adapter to
the 1/2” (1.3 cm) male flare adapter on the regulator assembly. Ensure that the regulator arrow points in the direction of the
gas flow towards the unit and away from the supply. Attach the regulator assembly to the grill unit by pulling back the female
coupler sleeve towards the regulator. Insert the coupler into the male coupler fitting on the grill until the sleeve snaps forward
securing the connection.
DDOO NNOOTT ffoorrggeett ttoo ppllaaccee tthhee iinnssttaalllleerr ssuupppplliieedd ggaass vvaallvvee iinn aann aacccceessssiibbllee llooccaattiioonn..
IIff uussiinngg aa VViikkiinngg GGSSHH1122 fflleexxiibbllee hhoossee,, rreemmoovvee tthhee 33//88”” ffllaarree aaddaapptteerr aanndd aattttaacchh hhoossee ttoo tthhee 11//22”” ((11..33 ccmm)) mmaallee ffllaarree
oonn tthhee rreegguullaattoorr aasssseemmbbllyy..
Installer supplied flexible
gas line with 1/2”
female flare adapter or
Viking GHS12
Installer supplied
shut-off valve must
be easily accessible