Getting Started
Should you have questions about utensils or coverings, check a good
microwave cookbook or follow recipe suggestions.
There are many microwave accessories available for purchase. Evaluate
carefully before you purchase so that they meet your needs. A micro-
wave-safe thermometer will assist you in determining correct doneness
and assure you that foods have been cooked to safe temperatures. Vi-
king is not responsible for any damage to the Built-in Microwave Hood
when accessories are used.
Child Safety
• Childrenbelowtheageof7shouldusetheBuilt-inMicrowave
Hood with a supervising person very near to them. Between the
ages of 7 and 12, the supervising person should be in the same
room. The child must be able to reach the Built-in Microwave Hood
• AtnotimeshouldanyonebeallowedtoleanorswingontheBuilt-in
Microwave Hood.
• Childrenshouldbetaughtallsafetyprecautions:usepotholders,
remove coverings carefully, pay special attention to packages that
crisp food because they may be extra hot.
• Don'tassumethatbecauseachildhasmasteredonecookingskill
he/she can cook everything.
• ChildrenneedtolearnthattheBuilt-inMicrowaveHoodisnotatoy.
See page 28 for Child Lock feature.
Food Safety
• Arrangefoodcarefully.Placethickestareastowardsoutsideofdish.
• Watchcookingtime.Cookfortheshortestamountoftimeindicated
and add more as needed. Food severely overcooked can smoke or
• Coverfoodswhilecooking.Checkrecipeorcookbookfor
suggestions: paper towels, wax paper, microwave plastic wrap or a
lid. Covers prevent spattering and help foods to cook evenly.
• Shieldwithsmallatpiecesofaluminumfoilanythinareasofmeat
or poultry to prevent overcooking before dense, thick areas are
cooked thoroughly.
• Stirfoodsfromoutsidetocenterofdishonceortwiceduring
cooking, if possible.
IMPORTANT– Please Read and Follow