SSuurrffaaccee LLaayyoouutt
3300”” WW.. RRaaddiiaanntt // IInndduuccttiioonn CCooookkttoopp
SSuurrffaaccee CCooookkiinngg
Operating the Single Front or Rear Element
Push in and turn the corresponding control knob counterclockwise to
the desired setting. The element will cycle on and off to maintain the
desired heat setting. When finished, turn all controls OFF.
Operating the Rear and Bridge Element
Push in and turn the corresponding control knob clockwise to desired
setting. The rear element and bridge element will cycle on and off to
maintain the desired heat setting. When finished, turn all controls to
Hot Surface Indicator Lights for Radiant Elements
The cooktop has hot surface indicator lights. They are located on the
front of the glass cooktop. The hot surface indicator light will glow red
when the corresponding element is turned on. The light will remain on
until the corresponding element has cooled to a safe temperature.
Induction LED Display
The LED display for each induction element is used for both on/off and
hot surface warning.
LLEEDD DDiissppllaayy DDeessccrriippttiioonn
No Display Unit off with cool surface
Continuous Unit on and cooking
Flashing 1. Unit off with hot surface
2. Unit on without cookware on surface-
Use proper cookware
3. Unit on with cookware too small for cooking surface-
Use larger cookware or move to smaller element
4. Unit on with correct size cookware for element-
Incompatible cookware for induction - refer to page 5
for suitable cookware.
If flashing continues after making adjustments according to the
flashing descriptions above, call a service technician and refer to
the internal error codes on next page.
LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss DDeessccrriippttiioonn
(1) Flash with brief interval between Internal power device over temp.
(3) Consecutive flashes Internal power device malfunction
with brief interval between
(5) Consecutive flashes Power device temperature sensor
with brief interval between malfunction
(6) Consecutive flashes Coil temperature sensor
with brief interval between malfunction
(8) Consecutive flashes Inside ambient temperature too
with brief interval between high
(9) Consecutive Flashes Incompatible cookware for
with brief interval between induction
IInntteerrnnaall EErrrroorr CCooddeess