Getting Started
• Turnfoodsoveronceduringmicrowavingtospeedcookingofsuch
foods as chicken and hamburgers. Large items like roasts must be
turned over at least once.
• Rearrangefoodssuchasmeatballshalfwaythroughcookingboth
from top to bottom and from right to left.
• Addstandingtime.RemovefoodfromBuilt-inMicrowaveHoodand
stir, if possible. Cover for standing time which allows the food to fin-
ish cooking without overcooking.
• Checkfordoneness.Lookforsignsindicatingthatcookingtempera-
tures have been reached.
Doneness signs include:
- Food steams throughout, not just at edge.
- Center bottom of dish is very hot to the touch.
- Poultry thigh joints move easily.
- Meat and poultry show no pinkness.
- Fish is opaque and flakes easily with a fork.
Food Do Don't
nuts, seeds,
fruits &
• Punctureeggyolks
before cooking to prevent
• Pierceskinsofpotatoes,
apples, squash, hot dogs
and sausages so that
steam escapes.
• Cookeggsinshells.
• Reheatwholeeggs.
• Drynutsorseedsin
Popcorn • Usespeciallybagged
popcorn for the
• Listenwhilepoppingcorn
for the popping to slow
to 1 or 2 seconds or use
special Popcorn pad.
• Poppopcornin
regular brown bags
or glass bowls.
• Exceedmaximum
time on popcorn
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